Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My little car

My little car
written 3/25/09
"My little car, she’s one of my best friends. She always took care of me, kept me safe. She taught Bob how to drive. She taught me a little something about faith. She could run on fumes for days, when I couldn’t afford to feed myself. She acted as my primary shelter during many fun weekends, and when I had no where to go. 100,000 miles in seven long years. Oh the places we went. We traveled alone, and weighted down with as many friends as we could fit. We traveled in sheer bliss and utter despair. She was always there for me, something I could rely on.  In rain, ice, and snow, on road and off, there was nothing you couldn’t do.
            But now after 12 hard years your age is showing. You’re stalling at red lights, and chewing through tires. We are starting to question if you’re safe. So what now? Replace you? I have such anxiety about your future. How long do you have left? Or is it already over?"

Yeah, it was pretty much over. This car was sold in October of 2009. But it is still a topic of conversation between Bob and I. She was a great little car. The hood was forever etched with a giant heart and said "dirty hippy car" from a time I drew on it while covered in dirt at a festival. I just could not contain my impulse. But I could not get a good picture of it, it was slightly subtle. It had many dings and dents. But I always thought it was the best car ever!
I had received this car near the end of winter in 2002. It was a gift from my father. My great aunt Irene passed away and my dad got her car and I got my step-moms old car. At the time he gave me the car, my van had just died and I had nothing to drive. I had been praying and my prayers were answered. I had always felt extra blessed driving that car. I felt as though my (great) aunt Irene was keeping a watch over me. I did a LOT of praying in that car. 

The bumper sticker said "None but ourselves can free our minds"

Bob and I were recently talking about what the 11th of the month and reflecting on what it meant and will mean to us. I joked that car insurance is due the 11th of the month. But then I thought about it... It must have been the 11th of the month the car was put on the road.
God winks at me again :)

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