Sunday, December 16, 2012

In response....

Tragedy struck. It will be ingrained in history. Let us not respond with fear or revenge and hatred or anger. Lets respond with Love, compassion, empathy -unity. This is not about gun control - not even violent video games. Its about love, the ability to give and sometimes more importantly- recieve love. Why are we blaming the guns and not the mental health system that failed this kid or psychotropic drugs this guy was on? Pharmacuticals are killing people at alarming rates. The "zombies" are real. They are drugged.  These brain altering chemicals are dangerous. I mean, if we are gonna point fingers...
During the aftermath I avoided tv as much as possible. My knowledge of the incident is limited to a few online articles. I have been praying and meditating. My heart just breaks for these parents. Sometimes to open your heart, I mean really open your heart, it must break open. Maybe not for everybody... There is a shift happening in human consiousness its happening in our hearts. Tell someone you love them, hold your family close. Most important turn that love back in towards yourself. Feel the shift inside you. Its not about the gifts, its about the presence this Christmas. Take a step back from the trauma. Your thoughts and feelings are a part of the collective consiousness. Love and fear can not coexist. When your body releases adrenaline (the fear hormone, "fight or flight" hormone, this hormone saves lives, etc) it can not release oxytocin (love hormone). You can choose. Your choice matters.
Rebirth takes many forms. People are reborn through Christ, people change and heal and become new again. I have had many rebirths in this lifetime. You have to be willing to give your soul to the Light, and sometimes you must face the darkest parts of your shadow first.
The media wants to spread trauma, it makes them rich. They want you to be afraid, very afraid. Then you will beg to trade in your rights and privacy in the sake of safety.
Your awareness is more important then ever.
And what if we all respond with love?
It will certainly change the world.
You have the power to change the world. At the very least you have power over your own reality.
I can not expain why this sort of thing happens, I just don't know. But I find myself not just praying for the children, but also for the sick individual that did this. He was sick. He was not evil. In an act of unconditional love I have been praying for his soul too.
I feel that my fears, our collective fears feed into these traumas, even manifest them. I take responsiblity for my thoughts, my anxiety, my fear. I was afraid to be in school. I did not feel safe. Even in the years before Columbine, that occured my senior year of high school, I felt in danger at school. No one really picked on me, I was not a target of a bully, except the few times I stuck up for fellow classmates. But the point is I fed into that collective consiousness. The bomb threat drills, the lock downs, they sent a message to be prepared, violence was immenint. But what was being done to prevent violence?  Why not spend the same amount of effort offering help to the "at risk?" What do we do for the mother's begging for help?
I don't have any answers. Only more questions.
Please pray with me. Let us all join together: Protestants & Pagens, Jews & Jedis, Mormons & Muslims, let us unite in Love & Light. Unite as one human race. To pray for peace you must sit and be at peace, it strarts within each of us. Pray for love by opening your heart and let God's love flow through you. Pray for understanding, and be open to hearing answers. Be an active participant in the shift towards love.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. Thank you for your prayers. Know that they are being heard. They will be answered.

One Love

*I have no spell check. This was written fairly quickly, but plan on editing it later for grammer and spelling.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 12 12

Its been 1 year, 1 month, 1 day since our union. Happy Anniversary to my twin flame.
Its so amazing to be alive right now. I have been spending much of my time sleeping, meditating, and healing. Riding this wave wherever it may take me without any expectation. I am releasing what no longer serves me. I am focused on healing my body, mind, and soul. As I heal myself, I heal the planet and all life around me.
I am healing.
I am awakening.
I am remembering my power.
Spirit is flowing through me.
I surrender to the flow.

One Love